How Tenje Works

Tenje is a professional in house radio station, that provides customized audio streaming solution for enterprises.

This powerful subscription-based audio tool, offers streaming services for tailor-made entertainment, promotional messages, announcements, and background ambience for businesses.

How to Access Tenje

Tenje is available as a web-based player or a ‘plug-and-play’audio streaming decoder.

The Benefits of Using Tenje

Tenje Package Specifics

Customized clocks

Professionally crafted and customized modern-day-FM radio format styled playlists.

Business specific audio imaging

We deploy our decades-long imaging expertise to produce your jingles, promos, drops.

Audio Creative services

Access to dedicated audio production services for the development of promotional and notification messages.

Dynamic music selection

Keep musical content automatically refreshed with dynamic playlists.

Wide selection of music

Access to the best local and international music & content database.

Tenje Radio box

Our player caches local files to guarantee continued playback in case of internet disruptions.

Audio System Kitting

(To be recommended and charged separately as applicable.)

Ready to Create Your Business Radio Station?

See Tenje in action